The Organisational Development Officer introduced a report that updated the Committee on the 2020/21 Members’ Development Programme and plans for the next year.
The content and approach to Members’ Development sessions had been refreshed and the schedule was noted in the Appendix to the report. Briefings on local government finance, Prevent and data & information security had been held and attendance rates were higher than for similar sessions held previously which was very positive. The aim was to make the training more engaging and feedback was important. Members attending training were therefore encouraged to submit feedback forms as response rates had been low.
A busy programme was planned for the next few months and preparations would be put in place to refine and repeat the programme in 2021/22 for new members and as refresher training for existing councillors. The Committee welcomed the refreshed programme and emphasised the importance of an engaging and informative series of training events. Virtual training had helped to increased attendance and this would be considered in making future arrangements. Members emphasised that in future training dates should be built into the corporate calendar and the induction for newly elected councillors was particularly important.
The Committee thanked Officers for the work they had done to refresh the programme and the update report was noted.
Resolved – That details of programme scheduling, as outlined in Appendix A to the report, be noted.
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