Agenda item

High Needs Place Change notification


The LA had submitted the annual ESFA High Needs Placement change form in November 2020.  The form described the High Needs placements for the financial year April 2021 – April 2022, with the main changes being at Arbour Vale, Haybrook, Marish and Windsor Forest College Group.  The known pressures for the next year were included, with the main changes on previous years being the increased places, including 3 places at Grove Academy effective from September 2021.

10.00am: Kathy Perry left the meeting

Although Grove Academy was an all-through school, it was confirmed that the 3 places were secondary, in line with plans for a secondary unit.

Schools Forum NOTED the LA had submitted the ESFA High Needs Placement Change Notification 2021-22 form in November 2020.



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