Agenda item

High Needs Block - DSG Management Plan update


A written paper had been tabled for members to note the work being carried out and the reporting timetable. A more significant report, carrying more information, would be provided for the next meeting of Schools Forum, scheduled for Tuesday 19 January 2021: this would also include the DSG Management Plan which would support the budget proposals for 2021/22.  It was noted that work was underway, with departmental information being fed into the draft DSG Management Plan.  The work on related activities had begun and was outlined:


Resources Base review: would impact on the DSG Management Plan for future years. To be considered in January when the data collection had been completed.


Financial Reporting: the LA’s internal structure had been reviewed and a report would be available for the next meeting of Schools Forum.


SEND Panel review: procedures were being considered on how to confirm robust processes were in place. This included a review of the banding matrix to ensure it was being applied consistently.


Education Initiatives: discussions were ongoing about working with partners to identify opportunities for new projects.


Supporting documents: