Agenda item

Update on National/Local Funding Issues


Susan Woodland explained that the DfE had released a Workforce Fund to cover staff absences due to Covid between 1 November – 31 December 2020, to include supply teachers. However, it could only be applied for if a school’s reserves had been reduced to 4% and was only applicable on short-term teacher absence over and above 10%; in special schools 20%.  It was confirmed that local schools were aware. There was also a second opportunity to claim for Covid costs incurred between March and July 2020 for schools fitting a given criteria: claims for this funding was open until 22 December 2020.


It was noted that confirmation of the Maintained Nursery Supplement (MNS) for 2021/22 was expected to be released with the final settlement.  It was understood that a long-term solution for MNS was being worked on. 


9.30am: Coral Snowden joined the meeting


There had been no further communication regarding Teachers’ pensions but schools would be advised of any updates.


The meeting was advised that the settlement was usually received about 18 December but no date for this year had been confirmed.  APT would be presented to Schools Forum at their next meeting. No changes were anticipated.