Agenda item

Britwell Centre - GP Surgery Development


(a)  That the business case for the remodelling of Britwell Hub be approved.


(b)  That the relocation of Slough Children’s Services Trust Contact Centre be approved.


(c)  That the revised timescales be noted.


(d)  That the programme set out in section 5.11 in the report be noted.


(e)  That progress be noted ahead of a final report due at the end of October requesting a decision to approve the final business case before progress to construction.


The Cabinet considered a report that sought approval of the business case for the remodelling of the Britwell Centre to incorporate the relocation of the Avenue GP practice.  The scheme had been developed in accordance with the Localities Strategy, One Public Estate principles and the Five Year Plan.


The approach being proposed was part of the Council’s commitment to deliver services in a coordinated way close to where residents lived.  The current Avenue Medical Centre was delivering care to a population with high health needs.  The relocation would provide larger premises and improved integration.  The layout plans, as set out in Appendix 2 to the report, and the consequential impacts on other services such as the Slough Children’s Services Trust Contact Centre were summarised.  Part of the scheme would release land for new homes on the Britwell Clinic site.  Representatives of East Berkshire CCG and the Avenue Medical Practice addressed the Cabinet to explain the anticipated health benefits and additional services that could be delivered through the proposal.  The timetable was that subject to design and contracts the scheme would be completed by September 2021.


The Cabinet welcomed the aims of the scheme to integrate service and improve health care facilities in an area of high need.  During the course of the discussion Lead Members noted that the new GP hub would be located where the community halls currently were placed.  The community facilities would be reprovided and Members emphasised the importance of minimising disruption to users of the facility and that temporary alternative locations be found for community groups displaced during the works.  Assurance was provided that officers would work with community groups to minimise disruption.


At the conclusion of the discussion the recommendations were agreed.


Resolved –


(a)  That the business case for the remodelling of Britwell Hub be approved.


(b)  That the relocation of Slough Children’s Services Trust Contact Centre be approved.


(c)  That the revised timescales be noted.


(d)  That the programme set out in section 5.11 of the report be noted.


(e)  That progress be noted ahead of a final report due at the end of October requesting a decision to approve the final business case before progress to construction.

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