Agenda item

Employment Policies and Procedures


The Service Lead, People introduced a report that sought approval of a revised Leave Policy and Procedure.


The Leave Policy and Procedure had last been updated in June 2014.  Following a recent internal audit of the Agresso System it had been identified that the Policy needed to be reviewed and updated.  New employment legislation in relation to Bereavement Leave had been introduced in April 2020 and this was now reflected in the Policy.  In addition, the Employee Engagement Forum had requested a review of the Volunteer Leave Scheme to improve and increase the current offering from one paid day to volunteer to two days.


The HR Policy Manager reported that the incorrect policy had been attached as Appendix 2 of the report and agreed to circulate a copy of the Foster Carer Support Leave Policy to the Committee.  Members were advised that the revised Leave Policy and Procedure had been agreed with the trade unions.  The trade unions had welcomed the amendments included in the revised Policy and procedure.  The proposed Policy would be internally reviewed every three years’ unless there was a change in legislation which required it to be reviewed sooner.


Resolved –


(a)  That the revised Leave Policy and Procedure be approved.


(b)  That the HR Policy Manager be requested to provide a copy of the Foster Carer Support Leave Policy to the Committee.

Supporting documents: