Agenda item

References from Overview & Scrutiny


References from the Overview & Scrutiny Committee made on 10th September were considered and responded to under items 7 (Centre of Slough Regeneration Framework) and 8 (Stoke Wharf Draft Indicative Site Development Plan).


There were no recommendations from any of the Scrutiny Panels.


References from the Overview & Scrutiny Committee made on 10th September were considered and responded to under items 7 (Centre of Slough Regeneration Framework – Minute 40) and 8 (Stoke Wharf Draft Indicative Site Development Plan – Minute 41).


There were no recommendations from any of the Scrutiny Panels.


Resolved –  That the references from Overview & Scrutiny and the responses of the Cabinet be agreed as set out in items 7 and 8 (Minutes 40 and 41 refer)

Supporting documents: