Agenda item

Performance & Projects Report, Quarter 1 2020/21


That the Council’s current performance as measured by the performance indicators within the balanced scorecard, the progress status of the gold projects, and progress against the Manifesto commitments be noted.


The Service Lead, Strategy & Performance introduced a report that provided the Cabinet with the latest performance information for the first quarter of the 2020/21 financial year as measured by the corporate balanced scorecard indicators, key projects and manifesto commitments.


Year end targets for 2020/21 would be set during the second quarter of the year so that the full impact of Covid-19 could be analysed.  The quarter 1 update therefore focused on levels on trends rather than RAG-rating against targets.  Ten performance indicators had improved during the quarter including adults managing their care through direct payments, journey times and recycling, with ten deteriorating.  These included a number of measures directly impacted on by the pandemic such as housing completions, collection of Business Rates and Council Tax and unemployment.  In relation to key projects, ten were rated ‘green’ during quarter 1, ten were ‘amber’ and six were ‘red’.  The measures being taken to address ‘red’ rated projects were highlighted.


The Cabinet recognised that the impacts of Covid-19 were clear in the data provided.  Unemployment had risen from 2.5% in July 2019 to 8.1% in July 2020 and it was expected to rise further as the furlough scheme was withdrawn at the end of October.  Lead Members agreed that jobs and skills would be key elements of the recovery from Covid-19 and it was anticipated that further Government support would be forthcoming in the coming months.


At the conclusion of the discussion the quarter 1 performance and projects report was noted.


Resolved –  That the Council’s current performance as measured by the performance indicators within the balanced scorecard, the progress status of the gold projects, and progress against the Manifesto commitments be noted.

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