The Senior Democratic Services Officer introduced a report that sought approval to appoint the Appeals Sub-Committee and the Appointments Sub-Committee, and the allocation of seats to the respective sub-committees.
Members’ attention was drawn to paragraph 5.2 of the report that listed the proposed seat allocation in accordance with the wishes expressed by the Political Groups.
Resolved –
(a) That the Appeals Sub-Committee and Appointments Sub-Committee be appointed for the 2020/2021 Municipal Year.
(b) That the Terms of Reference of the sub-committees be approved as set out in Appendix A of the report.
(c) That seats on the sub-committees be allocated as set out in paragraph 5.1of the report.
(d) That Members be appointed to serve on the sub-committees in accordance with the wishes expressed by Political Groups in respect of seats allocated to them as set out as follows:
Appeals Sub- Committee: Councillors Davis, M Holledge, Plenty, Rasib and Smith. Deputies – Councillors Cllr Chaudhry and Bains.
Appointments Sub-Committee: Councillors Bains, Akram, Mann, Strutton and Swindlehurst.
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