Note – Upon a request from the Service Lead, People, the Committee agreed to consider agenda Item 6 Wellbeing – Update, as the next item of the meeting, followed by agenda Items 5,4,7 and 8.
The Public Health Programme Officer presented a report detailing the Council’s Public Health Active Movement Programme which was an integral part of the Council’s Transformation Programme and Wellbeing Initiative.
Members were advised that the underlying causes of obesity and inactivity were complex and reflected wider social factors, such as income, education and access to outdoor space. Active Movement was Public Health’s holistic behavioural change programme aimed at reducing levels of sedentary behaviour and tackling inactivity, which were key contributors to obesity and premature mortality. Active Movement had been commissioned in late 2017 as a pilot involving two children’s centres, five primary schools and two secondary schools, to explore how the Council could holistically engage with pupils, teachers and families to highlight the importance of physical activity and the negative health consequences of extended periods of sitting.
Following successful integration in the pilot schools, Public Health had re-commissioned Active Movement to deliver the intervention across the majority of Slough’s primary schools. Public Health and People Services had also been working together to raise the profile of Active Movement through briefing sessions to the Council’s workforce.
(Councillor Chaudhry joined the meeting at 6.40 pm)
There was some discussion in relation to all Members becoming champions of Active Movement. In response, the Public Health Programme Officer agreed to provide an information briefing session to all Members.
Resolved -
That the report be noted.
That the Active Movement Programme be
That the Public Health Programme Officer provide a
briefing session to all Members regarding the Active Movement
(d) That the Employment and Appeals Committee Members act as champions to advocate the Active Movement Programme within the Members community.
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