The Committee considered an update on the Council’s spend on Temporary Agency Staff contracts via Matrix for the first two quarters of 2018/19.
The report set out the number of Matrix placements to the period to end September 2018, and, as requested, the information relating to the DSO was shown separately. The report also contained benchmarking information against other similar authorities for typical agency staff, spend, duration of contract etc.
Members were advised that the spend profile in the first two quarter had increase largely due to DSO staffing and the transformation agenda. Detailed work was being undertaken to tackle/reduce the use of temporary agency staff.
Members asked why some temporary agency staff had been employed over a long period – in some cases over two years. Members were advised that there could be a number of reasons for this including the specialist nature of some roles, hard to fill roles and recruitment difficulties. The Committee asked for a breakdown of the long placements (over 12 months) and the justification for them.
(a) That the report be noted.
(b) That a breakdown of the temporary agency placements over 12 months and the justification for them be provided to the next meeting of the Committee.
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