Agenda item

Update from Task Groups: 5-16, HNB and Early Years


The Early Years and High Needs Block groups had not met since the last Schools Forum meeting.


The 5-16 Task Group had met on Tuesday 9 October to discuss options for consultation with all schools on the budget share formula for 2019/20.  There were a number of uncertainties around the National Funding Formula (NFF) which had been delayed until at least 2021/22.  Two options had been presented: the first being to remain at 50% towards the NFF or the second to move 75% towards the NFF.


It was explained that a third option, to move 100% to NFF, had not been included as there were insufficient funds.  This was due to the £900,000 top slice taken out of the DSG to support Growth Fund, which would lead to a shortfall of approximately £400,000 if the full NFF rates were applied. Originally, a 2-year period had been planned to move to full NFF rates but that timeline had nowbeen extended and 75% seemed a sensible option to consider.  It was stressed that the LA was not unique in top slicing for growth funding as few LAs had the necessary funds available.


The Task Group had considered both the 50% and 75% options sensible and had not expressed a preference as they did not know what the impact of other funding decisions would be on schools; it had been felt the issue should be reviewed at individual school level.  It was queried whether members of the Forum should have expected the Task Group to make a firm decision on a preferred option, but it was explained the Group had wanted to find out how schools felt.  It was further queried whether the exercise would be pointless as schools would opt for the most favourable option for themselves. The Group had agreed the consultation would allow schools to make individual comments.


The consultation would run from Monday 15 October 2018 until Monday 5 November 2018; a further meeting of the Task Group had been arranged for 13 November to consider the outcome prior to making a recommendation to the LA at the December Schools Forum meeting.  The final outcome would be implemented when approved by the ESFA allowing indicative budgets to be made available in January 2019.


8.40pm: Navroop Mehat arrived at the meeting    


A query was raised about NDR and it was explained that payment had to made against actuals, and that the difference paid for rate able values of maintained schools had to be funded. It was pointed out that the Growth Fund was based on AWPU and agreed every year: it was suggested annual consideration should be given to the amount allocated.  It was agreed this would be clearer when Tony Madden presented information about the Growth Fund to Schools Forum.


Members present at the meeting were encouraged to respond to the consultation, and to ask colleagues to do the same, whilst being mindful of other potential changes to their budgets e.g. post 16 and SEND.


The meeting returned to the running order of the agenda: