Agenda item

5th Annual Assembly for Standards Committees


The Chair reported orally on the 5th Annual Assembly for Standards Committees which had been held in Birmingham in October 2006.  He indicated how disappointed he and Steven Quayle, the Monitoring Officer, had been with the content of the formal sessions, as contrary to prior promises and indications, no new information had been provided regarding the proposed changes to the Local Code of Conduct.  However, what he and the Monitoring Officer did find of interest and benefit were the informal breakout sessions and networking opportunities the Assembly had provided.  As a result of information and ideas exchanged with other delegates he had identified a number of matters which he proposed the Committee should pursue which included the following:-


·  Redesigning the format of the Committee’s Annual Report to make it more accessible to the public and incorporating additional information on the Committee’s objectives and work programme for the forthcoming year.


·  On-going training provided for Standards Committee Members including the submission of case studies for consideration. 


·  Introduction of an informal reconciliation procedure as an alternative to the submission of complaints to the Standards Board for England/Monitoring Officer.


·  Submission of regular information reports to the Standards Committee e.g. on ‘gifts and hospitality’ and ‘work programme progress’.


·  Greater involvement of the Standards Committee in the work of the Parish Councils including attendance at Parish Meetings from time to time.


·  Reviewing and, if necessary, updating the current terms of reference of the Standards Committee.


·  Reviewing the membership and constitution of the Standards (Local Determination) Sub-Committee and the procedures and administrative arrangements for Sub-Committee meetings. 


It was suggested that when the Committee considered the revised Local Code of Conduct the Group Leaders should be invited to attend the meeting in order to learn first hand what they thought of the revisions proposed and to seek their support in ensuring that their Members observed the Code.  It was felt that it would also be beneficial to involve the Group Leaders at an early stage in drawing up an informal reconciliation procedure as proposed above.


Resolved –


(a)  That the oral report of the Chair and future action outlined therein be noted.


(b)  That at the appropriate time the Group Leaders be invited to attend a meeting of the Committee to consider and discuss the revisions to the Local Code of Conduct.