Agenda item

Leaking of Audit Commission Draft Report – Overview and Scrutiny in Slough.


The Director of Legal, Democratic and Development Services, the Monitoring Officer, recalled that the Committee at its meeting on 17th May, 2004 had requested that he arrange a preliminary investigation into the unauthorised disclosure of the confidential draft Audit Committee report on the Council’s overview and scrutiny arrangements and report back his findings to the Committee.


The Monitoring Officer had commenced his “preliminary investigation” into the matter by distributing questionnaires to the three Group Leaders and the Officers who had access to the draft report.  Although all of the questionnaires had not yet been completed and returned the replies that had been received failed to reveal any wrongdoing by those involved. 


Resolved –


(a)  That the Committee note the progress to date in this matter and authorise the Director of Legal, Democratic and Development Services to take no further action if he considers there is no reasonable prospect of identifying the person who breached the rules on confidentiality.


(b)  That the Director of Legal, Democratic and Development Services report back to the next meeting of the Committee as to the outcome of his deliberations.