Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: For Determination
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
To receive a report on the budget monitor for the second quarter of 2022/23.
That it be noted:
· that the 2022/23 forecast year-end position for the General Fund, taking account of use of all capitalisation direction amendments, is a fully balanced position. However, within this, there is an overspend of £7.322m across service areas, comprising a shortfall on in-year savings after mitigations of £4.309m against the total target of £19.958m, and including the loss set out in the latest SCF business plan of £5.175m. This is then balanced through an improvement in the collection fund position, the application of settlement monies received, the impact of capital receipts on MRP and a reduction in the use of capitalisation;
· that the revenue budgets as presented in this report assume that the virements as set out in Appendix E have been approved;
· that the General Fund Capital Programme is forecasting an underspend of £0.700m at a spend of £27.955m;
· that the HRA is forecasting a contribution to the HRA reserve of £1.827m, a £0.850m adverse variance against budget;
· that the HRA Capital Programme is forecasting on budget at a spend of £10.720m;
· that the DSG balance is forecast to be a cumulative deficit of £27.290m by the end of this financial year with plans to reduce the in-year movement to a balanced position by 2025/26;
· that maintained schools are projecting a reduction in balances by 31 March 2023 from £9.555m to £5.465m, with 4 out of 16 schools expecting to be in deficit with an aggregate deficit of £0.647m.
Report author: Steven Mair
Publication date: 25/11/2022
Date of decision: 21/11/2022
Decided at meeting: 21/11/2022 - Cabinet
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