Forward Plans

Cabinet, 2025

Executive Decisions

The Executive is the part of the Council which is responsible for most day-to-day decisions. It is made up of the Leader elected by the Council and a cabinet of between two and nine Members appointed by the Leader. The Executive has to make decisions which are in line with the Council’s overall policies and budget. If it wishes to make a decision which is outside the budget or policy framework, this must be referred to the Council as a whole to decide. Key decisions are executive decisions which are financially significant or have a significant impact on 2 or more Wards in the Town.

Decisions at meetings

The majority of the Cabinet’s business at their meetings will be open to the public and media organisations to attend. Decisions are recorded in the minutes which are published when they have been approved. A summary of the decisions taken at each meeting is published shortly after the meeting.

Copy of decisions at meetings.

Officer decisions

The Council also keeps a record of decisions taken by officers under powers delegated by the Executive. The scope of these decisions is outlined in the Scheme of Delegation in Part 3 of the Council’s Constitution. The Council has agreed criteria for Significant Decisions taken by officers. These decisions are published monthly.

Copy of decisions by officers.

Notification of Decisions

In order to ensure the openness and accountability of the Council’s decision making process, a Notification of Executive Decisions to be taken by the Cabinet is published. The Notice shows both key and non-key decisions which the Cabinet anticipates taking in the following three months and indicates which items may include exempt information to be considered in private (in Part II of an agenda). The document is updated and published monthly.

There are occasions where it is not possible to include a decision/report in the Notice. Key decisions, or those taken in private, can be taken under certain circumstances if they cannot be delayed but have not been included in the Notice. An additional urgent Notice is published.

Copies of these urgent Notices.

Notification of Decisions for the Cabinet, are listed below-