Issue details

A4 Bath Road Service Road access/egress opposite Leigh Road Experimental Closure

As part of the A4 Bath Road Cycleway project objectives to enhance pedestrian and cyclist safety, improve connectivity and road safety and reduce congestion on the A4, the Major Infrastructure Projects team is proposing to close vehicle access/egress to the service road opposite Leigh Road, next to Guru Maneyo Granth Gurdwara.

Due to the presence of several heavily used facilities in the area, particularly Guru Maneyo Granth Gurdwara, the Major Infrastructure Projects team is planning an experimental closure to gauge the impact of the road closure to the community before making the scheme permanent or reviewing further changes to the junction as part of the A4 Cycle lane works.

Whilst this access point will be closed, vehicles will still be able to enter the service road via its junction with Twinches Lane and enter and exit the service road via the Westgate Retail Park (near Ipswich Road).

The service road serves both office properties and Guru Maneyo Granth Gurdwara, and it often experiences significant congestion during worship times and business hours.

The proposed experimental closure will involve installing temporary bolt down kerb units at the closure point of the service road and its junction with the A4 Bath Road, introduce speed tables at both approaches of the junction and signage to notify drivers of the closure along the A4 Bath Road. Further details can be found in drawing SBC-TH-MP-00532-EXP-01.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 30/01/2025

Decision due: 29 Jan 2025 by Executive Director - Regeneration, Housing and Environment

Contact: Nicholas Pontone, Principal Democratic Services Officer Email: Tel: 01753 875120.

