A meeting with our energy brokers took place
on Thursday 7th March to discuss and evaluate the tender summer
reports for our HH and Gas supply contracts for our housing
The meeting was attended by James Rant, Strategic Bid Director
(eEnergy), Jason Newman (Group Manager, Carbon &
Sustainability), Pat Hayes (Executive Director, Regeneration,
Housing and Environment), Neil Euesden (Director Housing) and Carol
Maduka (Strategic Finance Manager, Regeneration, Housing and
DPS Tender
A tender was issued through accessing the Dynamic Purchasing System
(DPS) established by Gwynedd Council for the procurement of
electricity and gas and award call-off contracts under the
HH Supply Contract
Our current energy supply contract is with Centrica Corp and will
expire on 31st March 2024. Centrica have declined to retender for
this contract.
Shell Energy were the only supplier willing to offer a contract for
the HH Supplies. Suppliers are still very selective in where they
bid, this is particularly the case with Housing Associations and or
Housing Stock, largely due to credit and payment issues being
prevalent in this area.
While Shell is the only supplier bidding for the renewal of the two
HH supplies, there is still a 14.9% reduction against the current
contract prices which equates to saving of £4,578 for the
same level of consumption in 24/25.
The energy contract is for two sites, 1-29 Pendeen Court, Tamarisk
Way, and 1-30 Brook House, Spackmans Way.
The decision is to enter an HH energy contract with Shell Energy
for the period 1st April 2024 – 31st March 2025 to achieve
best value.
Gas Supply Contract
Our current gas supply contract is with Corona Energy and will
expire on 31st March 2024. Corona Energy have not retendered for
the contract.
Three compliant tenders were received from Shell Energy, SEFE
Energy and EDF Energy for our gas supply contracts.
EDF energy is the recommended supplier for our gas contracts supply
our 12 housing sites in Slough for 12 months starting on 1st April
2024. EDF are offering a 41.7% reduction against the current
contract price with Corona Energy and this equates to a saving of
£91,589 for the same level of consumption in 24/25.
It should be noted that EDF Energy credit check at the point of
signature, eEnergy have requested the contracts to be raised so
that we can gain some visibility of any issues signing with EDF as
soon as possible.
The decision is to enter a gas energy contract with EDF Energy for
the period 1st April 2024 – 31st March 2025 to achieve best
value, operational continuity and avoid onboarding issues and costs
with a new supplier.
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 28/03/2024
Decision due: 21 Mar 2024 by Executive Director - Regeneration, Housing and Environment
Contact: Nicholas Pontone, Principal Democratic Services Officer Email: nicholas.pontone@slough.gov.uk Tel: 01753 875120.