We the undersigned petition the council to consider our concerns with planning application P-19639-001. Sites A and B 352-372 and 324-340 Bath Road.
We strongly oppose the nine storey plus parapet height of the proposed dwellings in the development, by reason of its scale, height and massing, which would fail to respect or respond to the well-established character and appearance of the area and would constitute the overdevelopment of the site. It would be more in keeping with the surrounding area if all units were the same height as existing neighbouring residential properties.
The application contains no commitment to an associated Section 106 agreement to secure affordable housing, education, healthcare and all other infrastructure that is required to mitigate the impact of development, or to the significant impact of increased traffic in an already over-trafficked zone, the resulting impact on traffic volume in Burnham Lane, or significant concerns regarding the number of parking spaces available.
We entered a separate petition previously in 2022, however we
feel that with the revision of the plans it is warranted that we
have the opportunity to raise our concerns and objections to the
specifics of the new revisions.
This ePetition ran from 04/06/2024 to 19/06/2024 and has now finished.
185 people signed this ePetition.
Council response
Thank you for the above mentioned ePetition.
The petition is noted and the matters it raises are currently
being considered by the Local Planning Authority as part of
determining the revised planning application – ref:
P/19639/001. All other representations received following the
public consultation exercises undertaken in respect to the planning
application are also being carefully considered.
Once planning officers have concluded their assessment of the
application, it will be reported to the Council’s Planning
Committee. We have no specific timescales yet.
I trust that this information is useful but please contact me
should you have any queries of course.