We the undersigned petition the council to reverse the decision to close The Curve.
The Curve serves as a vital community building providing library services, study space, a facility for Slough Museum,a performance space, and vital skills learning space. It is the only fully accessible community space for town centre residents. we strongly oppose its closure and demand there should be no break in service regardless of which organisation may become the ‘new operator’.
We also demand the SBC conducts a full Equality Impact Assessment of any closure plans or change in core services at The Curve.
Save Library, cultural, community services!
An additional 1,195 signatures was received via a paper petition
submitted on the closing date of this ePetition. This now brings
the total amount of signatures to - 2,192.
This ePetition ran from 23/05/2024 to 21/08/2024 and has now finished.
997 people signed this ePetition.