Issue - decisions

Asset Disposal - Stoke Wharf

05/07/2024 - Recommendations of Cabinet Committee - Disposal of the Council's land which forms a part of the Stoke Wharf Project

(a)  That the Draft Formal Site Development Plan (the Draft Formal Site Development Plan is the form that is presented to Cabinet) be approved.


(b)  Approved the Council entering into documentation to give effect to the Formal Site Development Plan and which is anticipated to comprise (i) a Deed of Variation to the Council’s Option Agreement with Stoke Wharf Development (SWD) LLP; (ii) (in its capacity as a member of Slough Urban Renewal LLP (SUR) the Sale Contract between SWD (of which SUR is a member) and the Purchaser; (iii) (once the Sale Agreement between SWD and the Purchaser has become Unconditional) a Transfer of the Council’s land to the Purchaser (pursuant to the Option Agreement); and (iv) (once the Sale Agreement between SWD and the Purchaser has becomes Unconditional) a Works Access Agreement between the Council and the Purchaser.


(c)  That delegated authority be given to the Executive Director of Regeneration, Housing and Environment, in consultation with the Lead Member for Financial Oversight and Council Assets and the Executive Director of Finance and Commercial to (i) approve the final form of the Draft Formal Site Development Plan that is presented to the SUR Business Board for its approval; and (ii) to approve the final terms of the documentation required to give effect to the final form of the Draft Formal Site Development Plan.