Issue - decisions

Business Case for Health Visiting and School Nursing Service

10/05/2024 - Business Case for Health Visiting and School Nursing Service

i.  Approved the outcome of an open competitive tender process for the procurement of the Health Visiting and School Nursing services 0-19 Healthy Child programme (and up to 25 years for SEND);


ii.  Approved the award of the contract to bidder ‘HRCG Care Services Limited’ to commence from 1st October 2024. The contract will be for a period of three years, with an option to extend for a period of up to 24 months at a value of £2,910,034 per annum, and total contract value of £14,550,170  over the five-year contract period;


iii.  Approved the further award of a £174,000 per annum to bidder HCRG Care Services Limited as a transformational fund for HCRG to utilise. The additional funding is allocated as part of the Public Health ring fenced grant. These funds will be used to support collaborative work and more integrated delivery at individual, community and population level whilst contributing to the Authority’s starting well priorities for improving health outcomes for children and young people and reducing inequalities below:


·  Decrease the attainment gap between all children and the bottom 20% at Early Years Foundation Stage

·  Reduce the number of Reception and Year 6 aged children classified as obese

·  Improve immunisations rates amongst young people; and

·  Improve oral health amongst children.