Issue - decisions

Schools Funding Report - Dedicated Schools Grant 2024/25

16/02/2024 - School Funding Report - Dedicated Schools Grant 2024/2025

Cabinet agreed to recommend the budgets to Council to:


(a)  Note the DSG allocations for Slough (Table 1) as published by the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA)


(b)  Approve the local authority formula for allocating resources to Slough schools for 2024/25 as set out in Appendix A, the Authority Proforma Tool (APT).


(c)  Approve a transfer from the Schools Block allocation of £100,000 to the Central Schools Services Block and £761,539 to the High Needs Block in the 2024/25 financial year (£861,539 being 0.5% of the total schools' block allocation).


(d)  Approve the Dedicated Schools Grant Budget for 2024/25 at £231,514,470 including the allocations between the four funding blocks as set out in this report.


(e)  Delegate authority to the Executive Director – Children’s Services, in consultation with the Lead Member for Children and Education and the Executive Director for Finance and Commercial, to make minor changes to the schools’ budget in year.