Issue - decisions

Slough Urban Renewal - Update

10/09/2023 - Slough Urban Renewal - Update - Appendices

10/09/2023 - Slough Urban Renewal - Update



·  The Cabinet Committee’s agreement of the Site Development Plan (SDP) for Haymill and the delegation of authority to the Executive Director of Property, Planning & Housing in consultation with the Lead Member for Financial Oversight and Council Assets and the section 151 officer to pursue a disposal strategy (including the negotiation and agreement of legal documents that give effect to the disposal) and to report back to Cabinet for approval of the Adopted SDP and the final agreed disposal terms, subject to the demonstration of best value consideration for the disposal.


·  The progress and status of key sites including the North West Quadrant (NWQ) site, Montem Lane, Stoke Wharf and Wexham.


·  That the 2023 updated SUR business plan (covering the five-year period 2023 – 2028) be agreed.