Issue - decisions

Improvement & Recovery - Property Issues Policy Statement

10/06/2022 - Improvement & Recovery - Asset disposals programme

Agreed that:


(a)  A report to full Council recommending amendments to Part 3.5 -Responsibility for Executive Functions and Part 4.4 Executive Procedure Rules of the Constitution to require decisions on disposal of an asset via a lease at less than best consideration to be a reserved function of Cabinet and to set up a new cabinet committee to oversee the asset disposal programme.

(b)  The Cabinet Committee – Asset Disposal Programme would provide Cabinet with a regular progress report on the disposals programme (standing agenda item) including recommendations for disposal for those assets that are deemed key decisions.


Noted that:-


(a)  The process being followed in the consideration of asset disposals.

(b)  The decision to market the assets located out of the borough of Slough.