1. Agreed to Slough Borough Council working in partnership with local authorities and statutory health bodies across Berkshire to develop a new model for the delivery of community equipment services, led by West Berkshire Council.
2. Delegated authority to the Executive Director People Adults in consultation with Lead Member Social Care and Public Health, and Lead Member Children’s Services, Lifelog Learning and Skills, to have oversight of the development process.
3. Approved the continuance of the Berkshire Community Equipment Service (BCES) Section 75 Agreement. (This is the vehicle through which funding between statutory bodies can be pooled)
4. Noted that a paper concerning the proposed new model will be presented to People Scrutiny Panel in Spring 2023.
5. Agreed that recommendations and updates concerning the re-procurement of new community equipment services will be presented to Cabinet in Spring 2023.
6. Agreed that recommendations for contract award for new community equipment services will be presented to Cabinet in Winter 2023.