Committee details

Local Access Forum

Purpose of committee

The Slough Local Access Forum is an advisory body whose statutory functions are to advise on;

·  public access to land for the purpose of open air recreation and enjoyment of the natural environment.

· functional’ and ‘utility’ access; this might include looking at routes to work, school, shops or local amenities within an urban area such as Slough.

·  management of the public rights of way network including integration with other types of access and public transport.

This means that Forums should take account of needs of both recreational and non-recreational usage and potential.


There is also a specific statutory requirement that Forums are consulted on;

·  preparation and review of a rights of way improvement plan

·  the making, varying or revoking of a gating order under (Highways Act 1980 (Gating Order) (England) Regulations 2006


The Forum has a duty to give advice to various bodies, including the local Highway Authority, parish councils, Natural England, Sport England and Defra on these matters.


The aims of the Forum are to:


*  make a difference and influence decisions on sustainable transport, parks development and access and recreation issues in general

*  To encourage people to walk or cycle to work, school, the shops or the park as part of their daily lives

*  To make Slough’s green open spaces safer to enjoy

*  To make Slough a healthier and more attractive place to walk, cycle and horse ride.


The Forum meets three/four times each year and the minutes and agenda are available on this website. If you have any questions relating to the meeting arrangements or the work of the Forum then please contact Jacqui Wheeler, Public Rights of Way Officer on 01753 477479.



Contact information

Postal address:
Observatory House
25 Windsor Road

Web site: