Agenda item

References from Scrutiny


A)  The recommended responses (Table 1 Column iii) to each recommendation (Table 1, column i) with reference to the options in Section 2.4; be approved


B)  To note the related actions agreed by CISC in Section 2.5 of the report.



The Cabinet considered the recommendations from the Corporate Improvement Scrutiny Committee (CISC) from its meeting held on 24th September 2024 in relation to the Target Operating Model for Slough Borough Council.


The recommendations were as follows:


1.  That the Cabinet place Slough residents at the centre of the development of the TOM by asking for a Communications and Engagement plan to be developed and implemented as soon after its Cabinet meeting in November as is possible.


2.  That the Cabinet sets out its expectations for the quality of resident engagement, prior to that engagement commencing, by defining/adopting a set of community engagement standards. The [Scottish] National standards for community engagement offer a useful model for this purpose.


3.  That the Slide Pack/any communications material is re-written in plain English for residents


After discussion and due consideration the recommendations were agreed.


Resolved –


(a)  That the recommended responses (Table 1 Column iii of the report, as noted above) to each recommendation (Table 1, column i) with reference to the options in Section 2.4; be approved.


(b)  That the related actions agreed by CISC in Section 2.5 of the report be noted.


Supporting documents: