That the Corporate Parenting Strategy set out in Appendix 1 to the report be approved.
The Lead Member for Education and Children’s Services introduced a report that sought approval of the Corporate Parenting Strategy 2024-27.
The strategy outlined the three-year plan for corporate parenting responsibilities for children and young people and set out the vision for children and young people for whom the Council had corporate parenting responsibilities for the period 2024-2027. It set the priorities for children and young people cared for and outlined improvements to services and practice for children who were looked after or had care experience, so they were ‘Happy, Safe & Loved, Thriving’.
The Lead Member highlighted the importance of listening to the voices of children and the Cabinet was informed that the strategy had been written with young people. A partnership approach would be taken to deliver on the identified priorities and the Corporate Parenting Panel had done a significant amount of work in the past year to improve its effectiveness.
The Cabinet welcomed the development of the new strategy and the engagement of children and young people. It was agreed that all Members had an important role to play as corporate parents and steps should be taken to promote greater involvement from all councillors.
At the conclusion of the discussion the strategy was approved.
Resolved – That the Corporate Parenting Strategy set out in Appendix 1 to the report be approved.
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