Agenda item

Early Years Block 2024/25 - centrally retained budgets


SH advised that the 2024-25 Early Years Block budget had been previously approved by Forum. 95% of the allocated EY funding is on a pass-through basis, based on census figures and agreed rates to be passed back to settings that look after early year’s children. This agenda item focused on the 5% retained element of that funding, which is a budget within the council that is used to support early years in other ways. The pass-through budget amounts to £18.383 million, covering three to four-year-olds, two-year-olds, and under 2-year-olds in various settings. An additional growth allowance and the centrally retained element bring the block total to £19.3 million, with additional grants for the MNS supplementary funding, disability access fund, and the early years pupil premium. 


For early years, key areas in the centrally retained budget relate to strategic financial support, early-years advisory teachers, statutory responsibilities and behaviour support. BB commented that it was particularly helpful that these proposals had been shared transparently, and emphasised the desirability of knowing how value for money and the quality of delivery would be assessed.  EL agreed and confirmed that it was good to see it so transparently where the centrally retained funding is going and how it's been broken down.


MW asked a question about the reduction in the quality care and learning allocation compared to the previous year. SH confirmed she would refer the question back to the Early Years team.


The Chair confirmed responsibilities; the local authority proposes this budget and Schools Forum gives formal approval. There were no further comments or questions and the budget was therefore approved.  The Chair also noted that there had been requests in previous years for this and other areas for some assessment of the impact of the spending, and suggested this should be looked at next academic year.

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