Agenda item

References from Scrutiny


The recommendations of the Corporate Improvement Scrutiny Committee from its meeting held on 23rd April 2024 relating to the Task & Finish Group on Resident Engagement and Building Trust be agreed as per Table 1 Column iii of the report.


The Cabinet considered a report that set out the recommendations of the Corporate Improvement Scrutiny Committee from its meeting held on 23rd April 2024 on Resident Engagement and Building Trust.


Lead Members agreed the importance of seeking to rebuild trust and engage with residents.  The Leader highlighted the finding from the LGA survey in February 2023 that showed residents confidence in the Council was very low and he stated that it was a priority for the administration to take a range of steps to rebuild trust over time.  It was recognised that this was a long term aim and the recommendations of the scrutiny task and finish group made a contribution to this.  The Cabinet therefore welcomed the work Members had done to provide some specific proposals that could be taken forward.  The detailed recommendations were set out in Table 1 Column iii of the report and they were all accepted by the Cabinet.


Resolved –  That the recommendations of the Corporate Improvement Scrutiny Committee from its meeting held on 23rd April 2024 relating to the Task & Finish Group on Resident Engagement and Building Trust be agreed as per Table 1 Column iii of the report.

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