Agenda item

Task group update


The Chair asked for confirmation from the LA about the status of the EY and High Needs Task Groups.


NB confirmed that Early Years group is led by Trish Hamlin from the LA.  The group will  meet to discuss the early years DSG settlement.  The main discussion points are around the split between core funding for early years children and base funding, and also the allocation to deprivation, which is one the only mandatory factor that we have to put an allocation to.  The LA works with representatives from all providers on the allocation of the early years funding.  The Chair asked what the Forum representation is on that group, specifically whether there is anybody from a primary school which receives EY funding? NB agreed to check this.


Following some discussion about the oversight of High Needs expenditure, it was agreed that there was no need for a specific High Needs Task Group linked to Schools Forum. The LA has a number of strategic groups established or proposed with headteacher representation and along with discussion at the Partnership Board, there is reckoned to be sufficient representation from schools.