That funding of up to £700,000 be approved for Phase 2 of the housing management project, including remediation works outstanding from Phase 1 which would be provided through a virement from the Housing Revenue Account reserves creating an earmarked reserve of £609,000 and utilising existing monies within the General Fund of £91,000.
The Lead Member for Transport, Housing, Highways, The Environment and Environmental Services introduced a report that sought funding approval to complete the delivery of Phase 2 of the NEC housing management project. This would be a virement from the Housing Revenue Account reserve to fund the complete implementation of and was an important element of the housing improvement programme.
The Cabinet discussed the problems in the implementation of Phase 1 of the project which began in 2019 and highlighted the importance of improving the management and oversight of the project to successfully deliver Phase 2 and ensure full functionality of the system would included improved housing case management capability, key online access for residents and integrated housing repairs functionality. The Executive Director for Housing & Property stated that overall management of the project had been moved from housing to ICT which would ensure the necessary technical and project management expertise would be in place to deliver Phase 2. The Cabinet discussed the delivery timescale and procurement of licence renewals in the future. Officers responded to the points raised.
The Cabinet agreed the recommendation.
Resolved – That funding of up to £700,000 be approved for Phase 2 of the housing management project, including remediation works outstanding from Phase 1 which would be provided through a virement from the Housing Revenue Account reserves creating an earmarked reserve of £609,000 and utilising existing monies within the General Fund of £91,000.
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