(a) Delegated authority to the Executive Director for Place and Communities, in consultation with the Lead Member for Transport and the Local Environment, to proceed with the statutory process to implement the speed restriction only for defined sections of the A4, having considered the consultation responses set out in this report and following consideration of any statutory objections.
(b) Agreed for a further report in June 2023 to receive officer recommendations for final scheme design for other aspects to mitigate and support casualty reduction.
The Lead Member for Transport & The Local Environment introduced a report that sought approval to introduce road safety improvements on the A4 in Slough.
The A4 had been identified in 2016 as being in the UKs 50 most dangerous roads and the Council was required by Government to make changes to improve its safety. The Council was awarded funding of £1.7m from the Government’s Safer Road Funds grant and this would meet the costs of the improvement plans. One of the measures was a proposed speed reduction to 30 mph on some sections of the A4 for which consultation had already been carried out. Complementary engineering measures would also be made to seek to reduce the number and severity of fatal and serious collisions. Other measures would include average speed cameras, red-light camera systems, road surface treatments and the removal of roadside hazards.
The Cabinet welcomed the report and commented that similar road safety measures had been introduced extensively in other areas, including London. The recommendations were agreed.
Resolved –
(a) That delegated authority be given to the Executive Director for Place and Communities, in consultation with the Lead Member for Transport and the Local Environment, to proceed with the statutory process to implement the speed restriction only for defined sections of the A4, having considered the consultation responses set out in this report and following consideration of any statutory objections.
(b) That it be agreed for a further report in June 2023 to receive officer recommendations for final scheme design for other aspects to mitigate and support casualty reduction.
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