1. Approved the procurement of a Voluntary and Community Sector Service for up to five years (three year contract plus two optional extensions of one year each, subject to satisfactory performance) from 1st July 2023 to 30th June 2028.
2. Approved the procurement of an Advice and Information Service for up to five years (three year contract plus two optional extensions of one year each, subject to satisfactory performance) from 1st July 2023 to 30th June 2028.
3. Approved the funding envelope for the two contracts to a maximum value of £2,641,255 over a five year period
4. Approved the transfer back in-house of the carers element of the current services at a cost of £65k per annum, with carers assessments and activities being undertaken by a Carers Co-ordinator. .
5. Delegated authority to the Executive Director for People (Adults), in consultation with the Lead Member for Social Care and Public Health, and the Director of Finance, to undertake the procurement process.
6. Noted the detailed performance information concerning current contracts.
7. Noted that recommendations for contract award will be presented to Cabinet in Spring 2023, and that periodic updates concerning performance of the new voluntary and community sector contracts will be presented to Cabinet.
The Executive Director, People (Adults) introduced a report that sought approval to procure two new services for the delivery of voluntary and community sector service and advice and information services. They would replace existing provision when the current contracts expired in June 2023.
The contracts were for 3+1+1 years at a maximum value of £2,641,255 and was funded through the Better Care Fund and Public Health Grant. The contracts were subject to the continued availability of funding. The aim was to further strengthen the preventative offer and reduce demand for adult social care, introducing an integrated offer at the ‘front door’. Approval was also sought to bring the Carers element of the service back in house.
Lead Members asked about various matters relating to the contract specification such as whether there would be an increase in capacity and local delivery. These issues would be considered during the current design phase.
At the conclusion of the discussion the recommendations were agreed.
Resolved –
(a) That the procurement of a Voluntary and Community Sector Service for up to five years (three year contract plus two optional extensions of one year each, subject to satisfactory performance) from 1st July 2023 to 30th June 2028 be approved.
(b) That the procurement of an Advice and Information Service for up to five years (three year contract plus two optional extensions of one year each, subject to satisfactory performance) from 1st July 2023 to 30th June 2028 be approved.
(c) That the funding envelope for the two contracts to a maximum value of £2,641,255 over a five year period be approved.
(d) That the transfer back in-house of the carers element of the current services at a cost of £65k per annum, with carers assessments and activities being undertaken by a Carers Co-ordinator be approved.
(e) That delegated authority be given to the Executive Director for People (Adults), in consultation with the Lead Member for Social Care and Public Health, and the Director of Finance, to undertake the procurement process.
(f) That the detailed performance information concerning current contracts be noted.
(g) That is be noted that recommendations for contract award would be presented to Cabinet in Spring 2023, and that periodic updates concerning performance of the new voluntary and community sector contracts would be presented to Cabinet.
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