Agenda item

P/19689/000 - Queensmere Shopping Centre, High Street, Slough, SL1 1LN





Outline application (with all matters reserved) for the demolition of buildings and the phased redevelopment of the Site to provide a mixed-use scheme comprising residential floorspace (C3 use and provision for C2 use); flexible town centre uses floor space (Use Class E and Use Class F),provision for office floorspace (Use Class E (g) (i)),supporting Sui Generis town centre uses (including a range of the following uses: pubs, wine bars, hot food takeaway),Sui Generis leisure uses (provision for a cinema or live music venue); provision for the creation of basements, car and cycle parking (including provision for a Multi-Storey Car Park); site wide landscaping, new public realm including provision of a new town square and public spaces and associated servicing, associated infrastructure, energy generation requirements and highways works [Revised Parameter Plans, Reports, Documents and Environmental Statement Amendments submitted 15th June 2022] (Revised Plans and Documents have been submitted).

Delegated to the Planning Manager and Chair of the Planning Committee for approval subject to:


i)  the satisfactory completion of a Section 106 Agreement to secure affordable housing with review mechanisms, financial contributions towards education improvements (including the potential construction of a nursery in Development Zone DZ6A), sustainable transport and air quality improvements, Burnham Beeches SAC mitigation (within SBC), Travel Plans, Employment and Training Initiatives, and non-financial contributions towards essential mitigation measures such as a Meanwhile Use Strategy, Town Centre Open Space Operations Management Plan, Local Employment, Skills and Training Plan, Town Centre Leisure Use Marketing Requirements, a Scheme for Public Art, off-site highways works, Car Park Management Plan, Commitment for a further Design Review to secure a Detailed Site Wide Design Code and provision of all necessary off-site s278 highways works to mitigate the impact of the development on the local highways network, and other confirmatory deeds as necessary;


ii)  The approval of the details of any/all appropriate and necessary planning obligations and/or s278 highways works.


iii)  The satisfactory completion of an Equalities Impact Assessment (EqIA) which considers the detailed impacts on protected groups under the Equality Act.


iv)  Receipt of any written responses received from The Gardens Trust (in connection with the potential impact on the Grade 1 Registered Park at Windsor Great Park as a result of the proposals) and being satisfied that any matters raised in the response can be satisfactorily addressed.


v)  finalising conditions [and any other minor changes]


vi)  Further to discussions already held with Natural England and as set out in this report, formal adoption by the Council (being the competent authority) of an appropriate assessment pursuant to the Habitats Regulations in order to conclude upon the likely impact of the development on the Burnham Beeches Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and the final form of any mitigation that is necessary to address that impact either: (i) by the Planning Manager acting in consultation with the Chair of the Planning Committee; or (ii) if considered necessary by the Planning Manager acting in consultation with the Chair of the Planning Committee, by being referred to a future meeting of the Planning Committee.



Or, to refuse the application if the Section 106 Agreement is not completed by 31st July 2023 unless a longer period is agreed by the Planning Manager or Chair of the Planning Committee.


Supporting documents: