Agenda item

Mitigation Strategy regarding Burnham Beeches and Upton Court Park masterplan


(a)  Approved the Mitigation Strategy (re protection of Burnham Beeches) that proposes Upton Court Park be treated as a ‘suitable alternative natural greenspace’ (SANG) and for natural habitat enhancements in the Park (inclusive of maintenance) to be funded by developer contributions via the planning process.


(b)  Agreed to implement natural habitat enhancements identified in the Mitigation Strategy as soon as practical after mitigation related financial contributions have been received and to maintain those enhancements long term.


(c)  Approved the proposal for the development of an Upton Court Park masterplan to coordinate implementation of various recreation and natural habitat enhancements (inclusive of those referred to in (a) above).


The Lead Member for Housing & Planning introduced a report about the mitigation for the likely adverse impacts of extra visitors, from Slough residential developments, on the protected site at Burnham Beeches.  Developer contributions could fund mitigation in the form of habitat enhancements at Upton Court Park in Slough as part of a wider improvement plan.


The Council had a duty under the Habitats Regulations to address the adverse impacts of new residential development on Burnham Beeches and the mitigation strategy could help achieve this by treating Upton Court Park as ‘suitable alternative natural green space’ and by implementing proposed natural habitat enhancement projects with the aim of attracting visitor that would otherwise have gone to Burnham Beeches.  Delivery of the strategy would depend on various factors including developer contributions via Section 106 planning obligations.


The Cabinet welcomed the strategy and agreed that the proposed enhancements at Upton Court Park were an appropriate way to improve habitats at the park and reduce any adverse impacts on Burnham Beeches.  The recommendations were agreed.


Resolved –


(a)  Approved the Mitigation Strategy (re protection of Burnham Beeches) that proposes Upton Court Park be treated as a ‘suitable alternative natural greenspace’ (SANG) and for natural habitat enhancements in the Park (inclusive of maintenance) to be funded by developer contributions via the planning process.


(b)  Agreed to implement natural habitat enhancements identified in the Mitigation Strategy as soon as practical after mitigation related financial contributions have been received and to maintain those enhancements long term.


(c)  Approved the proposal for the development of an Upton Court Park masterplan to coordinate implementation of various recreation and natural habitat enhancements (inclusive of those referred to in (a) above).

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