That the timetable for consultation and approval of strategies linked to SEND services be approved.
The Lead Member for Children’s Services, Lifelong Learning & Skills introduced a report that updated on the progress being made in the SEND & Inclusion service following the Written Statement of Action (WSOA) in February 2022 produced in response to the local area inspection by Ofsted and CQC which concluded that there were significant weaknesses in services in Slough.
Delivery of the WSOA was being overseen by the SEND & Inclusion Strategic Board and each of the seven areas of improvement identified had a responsible officer and agreed actions. Lead Members noted positive progress in a number of areas although it was recognised the improvement journey was at an early stage. The SEND service had started to improve its timescales for the 20-weel period for completing EHCPs from 0% in April 2022 to 23% in August.
A number of strategies on school effectiveness; SEND & Inclusion; and school place planning would be coming to Cabinet in the next six months. The Council had also commissioned the LGA to conduct a review of SEND services in September 2022 and a report would be provided that would assist in identifying further improvements.
The Cabinet welcomed the update and requested a further report on progress in January 2023 within 12 months of the WSOA being agreed.
Resolved – That the timetable for consultation and approval of strategies linked to SEND services be approved.
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