Agenda item

Update on Annual Business Plan for Slough Children First Limited (SCF)


(a)  That the update concerning the development of a business plan by Slough Children First be noted.


(b)  That a maximum of £0.343m in-year increase in the contract sum to Slough Children First to £31.779m for 2022/23 be agreed. The actual sum would be dependent on the appointment of the additional resource being sought and would be paid to the company as these new staff started with the company.


(c)  That following the finalisation of the Mutual Ventures report, delegated authority be given to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Lead Member for Children’s Services, Lifelong Learning and Skills, to engage with the Department for Education on commissioning an options appraisal on alternative models for delivering children’s social care.


The Cabinet considered a report that provided an update on the development of the Slough Children First (SCF) annual business plan and requested approval for a request made by the company for an increase up to a maximum of £0.343m to the 2022/23 contract sum agreed by Cabinet in February 2022.  This would increase the size of the contract to £31.779m.


The appendices to the report were in Part II of the agenda.  The Cabinet considered all matters relating to the report in the public part of the meeting without disclosing any of the exempt information.


The Cabinet noted the update on the development of the company’s business plan since it had approved an interim plan in February 2022.  No recommendations were yet being made on the business plan pending the review being carried out by Mutual Ventures.  A governance review was also taking place.


Work was ongoing on the final business plan and pending its submission a type one in year charge had been submitted by the company requesting funding of £0.343m in 2022/23 to provide for the urgent recruitment of additional resources to mitigate against the rising risk of hard to children in Slough through demand pressures.  The Cabinet considered and approved the request.


Resolved –


(a)  That the update concerning the development of a business plan by Slough Children First be noted.


(b)  That a maximum of £0.343m in-year increase in the contract sum to Slough Children First to £31.779m for 2022/23 be agreed. The actual sum would be dependent on the appointment of the additional resource being sought and would be paid to the company as these new staff started with the company.


(c)  That following the finalisation of the Mutual Ventures report, delegated authority be given to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Lead Member for Children’s Services, Lifelong Learning and Skills, to engage with the Department for Education on commissioning an options appraisal on alternative models for delivering children’s social care.

Supporting documents: