· Avison Young Appointment to support the Asset Disposals Programme
· Disposal of Council Asset – Lavender Farm
Avison Young Appointment to support the Asset Disposals Programme
Approved the appointment of Avison Young to support the implementation of the Asset Disposal Strategy for the period 2022 to 2027, and delegate authority to the Executive Director of Housing and Property, in consultation with the S151 officer, and subject to legal advice, to enter into contract with Avison Young for property asset disposal related support services, at an estimated cost of £3.020m, which will be met from the capital receipts generated from asset disposals.
Disposal of Council Asset – Lavender Farm
Agreed to the disposal of Lavender Farm and to delegate authority to the Executive Director of Property and Housing, in consultation with the Lead Member for Financial Oversight and Council Assets and the Executive Director of Finance and Commercial, to negotiate the terms of and enter into the contract and other legal documentation in connection with the disposal subject to the terms being consistent with the Heads of Terms appended at Confidential Appendix 3 and the information provided within this report.
Prior to consideration of the reports, the Leader sought approval of the Cabinet to extend the meeting beyond the two and a half hours prescribed in the Executive Procedure Rules.
Resolved – That the meeting be extended beyond two and a half hours and to continue in the normal manner and complete the business remaining on the agenda as set out under paragraph 2.8 (i) (a) of the Executive Procedure Rules.
The recommendations of the Cabinet Committee for Asset Disposals from its meeting on 17th November 2022 were considered relating to:
· The re-appointment of Avison Young for Phase 2 of the programme; and
· The disposal of Lavender Farm.
The Cabinet considered and noted the Part II appendices to both reports in the public part of the meeting without disclosing any of the exempt information. The Committee had recommended that Cabinet approve the re-appointment of Avison Young and the disposal of Lavender Farm.
Councillor Smith had been given access to the exempt information and commented that whilst he was satisfied from the information provided that the disposal of Lavender represented best value, it would be useful if all future disposal reports could include site maps so Members could be clear of the property and assets being disposed of. In the case of Lavender Farm the Leader explained the extent of the land being disposed of and Officers were asked to provide maps in future reports.
Resolved –
(a) Avison Young Appointment to support the Asset Disposals Programme
That the appointment of Avison Young to support the implementation of the Asset Disposal Strategy for the period 2022 to 2027 be approved, and that delegated authority be given to the Executive Director of Housing and Property, in consultation with the S151 officer, and subject to legal advice, to enter into contract with Avison Young for property asset disposal related support services, at an estimated cost of £3.020m, which would be met from the capital receipts generated from asset disposals.
(b) Disposal of Council Asset – Lavender Farm
That the disposal of Lavender Farm be agreed and that delegated authority be given to the Executive Director of Property and Housing, in consultation with the Lead Member for Financial Oversight and Council Assets and the Executive Director of Finance and Commercial, to negotiate the terms of and enter into the contract and other legal documentation in connection with the disposal subject to the terms being consistent with the Heads of Terms appended at Confidential Appendix 3 and the information provided within this report.
Supporting documents: