Agenda item

Health Visiting and School Nursing (0-19 service)


(a)  Agreed that the contract for Health Visiting and School Nursing (0-19s) Services be extended for a further year from 1 October 2023 to 30 September 2024 .


(b)  Delegated authority to the Executive Director of People (Adults), in consultation with the Lead Member for Children's Services, Lifelong Learning & Skills and Lead Member for Social Care and Public Health to agree the terms of that contract extension and to arrange for the legal agreement to be sealed.


(c)  Agreed a direction of travel for Slough Borough Council to collaborate on an East Berkshire basis in relation to commissioning of health visiting and school nursing services in the future.


(d)  Noted the establishment of a Task and Finish Group to oversee a joint commissioning approach with local partners with a suggested deadline of February 2023 for assessment of progress. If suitable progress has not been made at this time, the authority will pursue a solo provider selection and commissioning process from 1st April 2023.


The Lead Member for Social Care & Public Health introduced a report that sought approval for a further one-year contract extension for the health visiting and school nursing (0-19) services contract from 1 October 2023 to 30 September 2024.  This would provide officers the time to develop and agree a more integrated, collaborative approach with neighbouring local authorities to commission these services in the future.


A task and finish group had been established to oversee a joint commissioning approach with local partners and it was working to a deadline of February 2023 to assess whether a joint approach would be deliverable, with the option for the Council to develop its own strategy if insufficient progress was being made.  Lead Members asked whether it was realistic that there would be sufficient clarity by February to determine whether a joint approach was optimal and it was responded that the timescale was realistic.  Questions were asked about the measurement of outcomes and value for money to ensure the investment was driving improvement.  Officers provided assurance that this would be a key part of the commissioning activity and that the current contract delivered good outcomes for a place with Slough’s demographic profile.


At the conclusion of the discussion the recommendations were agreed.


Resolved –


(a)  Agreed that the contract for Health Visiting and School Nursing (0-19s) Services be extended for a further year from 1 October 2023 to 30 September 2024 .


(b)  Delegated authority to the Executive Director of People (Adults), in consultation with the Lead Member for Children's Services, Lifelong Learning & Skills and Lead Member for Social Care and Public Health to agree the terms of that contract extension and to arrange for the legal agreement to be sealed.


(c)  Agreed a direction of travel for Slough Borough Council to collaborate on an East Berkshire basis in relation to commissioning of health visiting and school nursing services in the future.


(d)  Noted the establishment of a Task and Finish Group to oversee a joint commissioning approach with local partners with a suggested deadline of February 2023 for assessment of progress. If suitable progress has not been made at this time, the authority will pursue a solo provider selection and commissioning process from 1st April 2023.

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