Agreed that:
(a) A report to full Council recommending amendments to Part 3.5 -Responsibility for Executive Functions and Part 4.4 Executive Procedure Rules of the Constitution to require decisions on disposal of an asset via a lease at less than best consideration to be a reserved function of Cabinet and to set up a new cabinet committee to oversee the asset disposal programme.
(b) The Cabinet Committee – Asset Disposal Programme would provide Cabinet with a regular progress report on the disposals programme (standing agenda item) including recommendations for disposal for those assets that are deemed key decisions.
Noted that:-
(a) The process being followed in the consideration of asset disposals.
(b) The decision to market the assets located out of the borough of Slough.
The Lead Member for Financial Oversight & Council Assets introduced a report which set out the next steps in the asset disposal programme, which was a fundamental part of the Council’s financial recovery. Asset disposals were essential to fund the Capitalisation Direction and reduce borrowing risk.
The report proposed recommending to full Council amendments to the Executive Functions and the Executive Procedure Rules of the Constitution to require decisions on a disposal of an asset via a lease at less than best consideration to be a reserved function of the Cabinet and to set up a new Cabinet committee to oversee the asset disposal programme. The Cabinet committee would regularly report and make recommendations for disposal to Cabinet via a standing agenda item.
The Leader emphasised that disposal decisions would still be taken by Cabinet and that the standing item on Cabinet agendas would be to receive recommendations from the Cabinet Committee. The Cabinet recognised the importance of progressing the asset disposal programme in a timely manner, whilst ensuring the programme was properly managed and followed good governance. The proposals in the report sought to support this approach.
Councillor Strutton addressed Cabinet and asked about the reasons for disposing of out of borough assets first rather than some in borough assets. The Lead Members explained the reasons which included the fact out the in borough assets were more complicated to dispose of as they may be operational sites or have been purchased as development sites. It was noted that a report on some Slough Urban Renewal assets was due to be considered by the Cabinet in July 2022.
At the conclusion of the discussion the recommendations were agreed.
Resolved –
Cabinet agreed:
(a) A report to full Council recommending amendments to Part 3.5 -Responsibility for Executive Functions and Part 4.4 Executive Procedure Rules of the Constitution to require decisions on disposal of an asset via a lease at less than best consideration to be a reserved function of Cabinet and to set up a new cabinet committee to oversee the asset disposal programme.
(b) The Cabinet Committee – Asset Disposal Programme would provide Cabinet with a regular progress report on the disposals programme (standing agenda item) including recommendations for disposal for those assets that are deemed key decisions.
Cabinet noted:-
(a) The process being followed in the consideration of asset disposals.
(b) The decision to market the assets located out of the borough of Slough.
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