Agenda item

Finance Action Plan Update


1.  That the wide range of progress in 2021-22 as highlighted in Appendix 1 to the report and the proposed financial management objectives in 2022/23 be noted; and


2.  That the report be recommended to Council.


The Leader of the Council introduced a report that updated the Cabinet on the work undertaken in 2021/22 to implement the Finance Action Plan.  The Cabinet was asked to recommend the report to Council.


Most of the actions in the plan were completed or on track.  Of the 64 finance related recommendations in the CIPFA, DLUHC and Grant Thornton reports, 28 were complete with the other 36 partially complete or on track. It was noted that progress was made on the Asset Disposal Programme and Lead Members and Directors were meeting regularly to identify the £20m savings for 2023/24 by the end of May.  Work on the accounts was continuing with the 2018/19 accounts due to be produced imminently with subsequently accounts being completed at 3 or 4 month intervals during 2022.  The Cabinet welcomed the progress that had been made in delivering on the action plan which was critical to the Council’s financial and wider recovery.


Speaking under Rule 30, Councillor raised a number of matters including the remaining financial gap for 2023/24; issues with the potential disposal of Observatory House; workforce issues and training; and customers responsiveness including with housing repairs.  The Leader responded to the points made, and highlighted that identifying the potential £20m savings for 2023/24 by the end of May was far earlier than previous years and would provide sufficient time for robust savings plans to be refined and scrutinised.


Lead Members noted the comments of the Commissioners on the report which set out the stark financial picture for the Council and responsibility of all councillors to understand the position and focus on taking the necessary decisions to put things right.  The Cabinet acknowledged the need to difficult decisions and were committed to taking evidence based decisions and follow the proper processes of good governance.


At the conclusion of the discussion the Cabinet noted the report and agreed to recommend the Finance Action Plan to Council on 19th May 2022.


Resolved –


(a)  That the wide range of progress in 2021-22 as highlighted in Appendix 1 to the report and the proposed financial management objectives in 2022/23 be noted; and


(b)  That the report be recommended to Council.

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