Agenda item

P/12934/018 - Theale, Old Bath Road, Colnbrook, Slough, SL3 0NS

Officer’s Recommendation: Delegate to the Planning Manager for Approval.





Outline planning permission with some matters reserved for the redevelopment of the site to provide 24 No. flats contained within 2 separate apartment blocks. Block C will contain 4 storeys and Block D will contain 5 storeys together with access parking and hard landscaping.

Having noted the Amendment Sheet, and the removal of the Holding Objection from the Environment Agency, delegated to the Planning Manager for approval subject to:


i)  the satisfactory completion of a s106 agreement;

ii)  finalising conditions and pre-commencement conditions;

iii)  and any other minor changes.


Or, refuse the application if a satisfactory s106 Agreement was not completed by 31st October 2022, unless otherwise agreed by the Planning Manager in consultation with the Chair.


(Councillor J Davis arrived after the Planning Officer had commenced the introduction to the report and therefore she did not vote on the application).



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