1. Agreed to award a one-year contract to SCVS for a period of 12 months from 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023. This would be at a maximum cost of £473,251, which must not be exceeded, funded through the Better Care Fund and Public Health grants.
2. Noted the update on commissioning activity provided in this report, including detailed performance information.
3. Noted that a report concerning the proposed model for the voluntary and community sector will be presented to People Scrutiny Committee for its comment and consideration in Autumn 2022.
4. Noted that the proposed model for the voluntary and community sector and a procurement strategy would be presented to Cabinet in Winter 2022.
5. Delegated authority to the Executive Director for People (Adults), in consultation with the Lead Member for Social Care and Public Health, to have oversight of the development of the proposed model as well as the development of performance targets for the contract period (1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023), should this be approved.
The Lead Member for Social Care and Public Health introduced the report which provided an update on commissioning and contract management activity concerning the voluntary and community sector since the previous report to Cabinet in December 2021.
Approval was being sought to award a further contract for a period of 12 months from July 2022 to allow for a new model for the voluntary and community sector to be developed which aligned with the work being undertaken on the ‘Front Door’ as part of the adult social care transformation programme.
In response to a question about the monitoring arrangements and the targets set out in the report, the officer explained that there was an action plan that was being carefully monitored and additional targets have been set for the project. A dedicated contracts officer has been appointed for this contract, and the Lead Member also played a role to monitoring to ensure Cabinet oversight. The Officer explained that the new model provided an opportunity to review the components of the service and therefore reach out to wider areas of the community.
Speaking under Rule 30, Councillor Strutton stated the importance of improving support to young carers. The Officer commented that the decision before Cabinet was to extend the existing contract to provide sufficient time to develop a new model which would include a review of service provision including for young carers. Scrutiny would have the opportunity to comment on the proposals later in the year.
After due consideration the recommendations were agreed.
Resolved –
(a) Agreed to award a one-year contract to SCVS for a period of 12 months from 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023. This would be at a maximum cost of £473,251, which must not be exceeded, funded through the Better Care Fund and Public Health grants.
(b) Noted the update on commissioning activity provided in this report, including detailed performance information.
(c) Noted that a report concerning the proposed model for the voluntary and community sector will be presented to People Scrutiny Committee for its comment and consideration in Autumn 2022.
(d) Noted that the proposed model for the voluntary and community sector and a procurement strategy would be presented to Cabinet in Winter 2022.
(e) Delegated authority to the Executive Director for People (Adults), in consultation with the Lead Member for Social Care and Public Health, to have oversight of the development of the proposed model as well as the development of performance targets for the contract period (1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023), should this be approved.
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