(a) That the portfolios and responsible Lead Members as appointed by the Leader of the Council be noted
(b) That the appointment of Councillor Pavitar Kaur Mann as Deputy Leader of the Council be noted.
The Cabinet formally noted the portfolios and responsible Lead Members appointed by the Leader of the Council, as detailed in Appendix A to the report. The Leader explained the rationale for the changes to some portfolios and appointment of an additional Cabinet member, bringing to the total to nine. It was also noted that the Leader had appointed Councillor Pavitar Kaur Mann as Deputy Leader of the Council in accordance with Part 2 Article 7 (10) of the Constitution.
The report was noted and recommendations agreed.
Resolved -
(a) That the portfolios and responsible Lead Members as appointed by the Leader of the Council be noted.
(b) That the appointment of Councillor Pavitar Kaur Mann as Deputy Leader of the Council be noted.
Supporting documents: