Agenda item

P/14952/002 - Former SIG Unit, Prescott Road, Poyle Industrial Estate, Slough, SL3 0AE

Officer’s Recommendation:  Delegated to the Planning Manager for Approval





Demolition of existing building and redevelopment of site for new Class E(g(iii)), B2 and/or B8 unit with ancillary office space and associated servicing, car and cycle parking, boundary fence and gates, and landscaping.

Delegated to the Planning Manager for approval, subject to the completion of a unilateral undertaking and subject to conditions.


The Committee noted that the wording of Condition 23 had been further updated since the Amendment Sheet had been issued and would read as follows:


“The development hereby approved shall not be occupied until details have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority of proposed works to resurface Prescott Road that runs on the western side of the site to the point it joins the highway on Blackthorne Road. The works shall be proposed to accord with Slough Borough Council’s Adopted Vehicle Crossover Policy. The works shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details and be completed prior to the first occupation of the building hereby approved.


REASON: To ensure the access road on Prescott Road is of an acceptable standard due to its current substandard space in the interests of holistic development in light of the character of the area and high safety and convenience in the interests of Policy EN1 and T3 of The Adopted Local Plan for Slough 2004”





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