A report was considered on the Digital Signage Project which had been referred to the Panel by Cabinet at its meeting on 15th November 2021. Digital advertising provided an income generating opportunity for the Council which had been discussed earlier in the meeting during consideration of the 2022/23 Place budget.
The Cabinet had agreed the policy in principle but sought the views of scrutiny, specifically on the type and appropriateness of advertising. It was noted that the policy included a provision that the necessary authorities, such as the Advertising Standards Authority, to monitor the type of advertising.
In response to comments from the Panel it was confirmed that planning permission would be required. Members sought assurance that the Council wouldn’t be exposed to any maintenance costs and it was confirmed that maintenance would be the responsibility of the provider. The Council would receive a licence fee. One suggestion from a member of the Panel was to seek to explore the possibility of ensuring the Council could maximise its income for advertisement placed in the most commercially advantageous sites and whether advertising income was being maximised from facilities such as Arbour Park. The Leader of the Council and Executive Director would consider this suggestion as part of the delegation to implement the project.
The Panel noted the report and did not make any further specific comments on the policy over and above those from Cabinet.
Resolved –
(a) That the report be noted.
(b) That no further additions or amendments to the policy be referred back to Cabinet.
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