Agenda item

P/02028/008 - Thomas House, Petersfield Avenue, Slough SL2 5EA

Officer’s Recommendation:  Delegate to the Planning Manager for Approval





Demolition of the existing building (Use Class B2) and construction of a 5 storey building with lower ground parking, to accommodate 18 residential units (Use Class C3) with associated works.



Delegated to the Planning Manager for approval subject to:


1.  No objections that raised substantive additional issues arising from re-consultation having been received by 25th June 2021;


2.  Satisfactory resolution of surface water drainage issues;


3.  Satisfactory provision of refuse / recycling storage, visitor cycle storage and basement car park provision for disabled car space and confirmation of cycle spaces;


4.  The satisfactory completion of a Section 106 Agreement to secure infrastructure made necessary by the development; and


5.  Finalising conditions and any other minor changes;




Refuse the application if the completion of the above had not been satisfactorily completed by 23rd December 2021 unless a longer period was agreed by the Planning Manager, or Chair of the Planning Committee.



Supporting documents: