Agenda item

Our Futures Programme - Workforce Update


The Committee were provided with an update regarding the implementation of the Phase 2 of Our Futures transformation programme. The Phase 2 consultation was launched on the 4th November 2020 and closed on the 21st December 2020. Following the consideration of all the responses by  Executive Directors and Associate Directors with the Chief Executive, a consultation response was issued in January 2021. The council was currently implementing the outcomes of the consultation. All at risk staff had priority to be considered for all vacant posts and continued to be presented with any new opportunities that arose. The use of interim staff was also being looked at with a view to giving those individuals an opportunity to work for the council on a permanent basis.


Clarification was sought relating to why there had been a delay in implementation of the new business model going live from 1 April 2021 and explanation as to why staff who had been made redundant were able to apply for other vacancies across the organisation. The Associate Director, Customer stated that logistical challenges had meant that the programme had slipped and that it was a statutory requirement for staff who had been made redundant to be given an opportunity to apply for alternative posts.


Concern was expressed relating to the savings targets identified for both Phase 1 (£2m) and Phase 2 (£3.2m) of the programme and whether these were achievable; especially given that they were a key element of the Medium Term Financial Strategy as agreed at the budget council in March 2021.Furthermore, there would potentially be a significant impact on delivery of services by the Council should these saving targets not be realised. It was noted that the situation was currently being monitored and detailed financial information with regard to the programme would be presented at the next meeting.


Resolved  -  That details of the Our Futures Programme – Workforce Update be noted.

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